
Mosaic Nails

 Whilst having a look on fashionfacts Instagram one day I found this picture of leggings. They're so crazy that they inspired me to do some nail art similar to them, so I saved the picture to my phone and decided one day I would get round to creating some crazy of my own. Well my friends, that day has come! Obviously there's a lot of detail in this pattern and I'm not fantastic at free hand straight lines so I chose to use my plastic wallet method, personally I think this is the best way to get PERFECT straight lines with nail polish but if any of you guys have a different method that works for you I'd love to know. It does take some time but once you've finished you can sit back and admire your handy work. For anyone who hasn't seen me using this method here's how I made the triangles:
  1. Grab any old plastic wallet you have no use for anymore.
  2. Apply plenty of different colours onto the plastic wallet in vertical lines
  3. Wait until dry
  4. Using a pair of scissors, cut up the plastic wallet with the polish on into lots of different sized triangles
Here's a picture of how I did the plastic wallet method.
I then painted my nails white and waited until they were tacky

My next step was to apply all of the triangles randomly onto the tacky white polish. Most of the triangles came away from the plastic wallet easily, but some were still wet and wouldn't budge. Luckily I cut out plenty so that when the others had dried off i used them on my second hand.
And...Voila! The completed look!


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