
Cookies, nomnomnom!

Has anybody tried these cookies?
They are actually the nicest cookies I have had in a long time. Don't get me wrong the standard Maryland Double Choc Chip Cookies are amazing but these are on another level, WOW!
If you haven't got round to trying these yet I 100% recommend you do - Sorry to anyone who's on a diet.
They are just like any other Maryland cookie, but with gooey melted chocolate in the middle. I demolished the whole packet in a few hours. They are just too addictive...Oh well, nothing that's healthy tastes good anyway. Sweet tooth all the way!

So anyway back to the reason I was writing this post, these cookies got me thinking about nail art..as usual.
So I thought what best to do than, the Cookie Monster! Everyone loves a bit of Sesame Street...well the ones who are old enough to remember it that is.
I know its not original and lots of people have done the cookie monster before but I genuinely loved these cookies that much that I wanted the Cookie Monster on my nails.
So I won't bang on about how I did them, I'll just show you the stages in some pictures.
Oops, had to slip that one in somewhere...Close up! Mm mm...
Finished close up
Haha! Crazy googly eyed Cookie Monster. Love it!
"C is for Cookie"

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