
Jumbled Stripes

I don't know what happened today really, this manicure is a lot darker than usual. Ah well its a change from all the light bright colours I've been using lately.
I was in the mood for stripes this morning but couldn't decided how I was going to do them so I started off by applying two coats of Collection 2000 - Wham
I waited 15 minutes for it to dry with a cup of tea and biscuits Mmmm.... such a yummy distraction!
Anyway back to the nail art.. after my polish had dried off enough I started applying my stripes.
I did cheat a little doing this manicure, instead of using nail polish for the stripes I used acrylic paint with a long thin nail art brush. I didn't have a set plan on what colours I was going to do so just picked them out at random and hoped for the best, doesn't look too bad either.
This is how my nails looked after I'd finished doing the stripes
I think I prefer them looking dull/matte rather than glossy with a top coat.
Here's how the manicure finished looking with one coat of NYC - Top coat


Hexagon Glitter Accent Nail

I wanted some new glitters to add to my collection and have bought some off Ebay before.
 So I decided to get some more from the same place and here's one of them in #5 coffee.
When they arrived I wanted to do a manicure with the hexagon glitter ones so I came up with this manicure:
Base colour : Color Club - Nomadic in nude
Accent Nail : Orly - Prince charming
#5 coffee hexagon glitter on accent nail
I used NYC - Top coat to finish off the manicure


100% Random

This manicure is completely random, I had no idea my nail art for today would turn out like this.
Have you ever made/done something completely random with no intention of using it afterwards?
Well this is one of those things!
I was messing about with some designs for nail art today and the one I was currently doing before I produced this I decided wasn't going the way I wanted so I was just about to remove it from my nails when I just scribbled over my nails with a dotting tool covered in black polish and this is the outcome!
I don't think I could ever create the exact same nail art again though.
I'm actually impressed with how it looks though, I guess sometimes the things you try less with look better.
I used Collection 2000 - Wham as my base colour
O.P.I - Lady in black
NYC - Top coat



Friendly Hugs

I love this manicure, it's not perfect but super cute!
I saw a picture on weheartit of someone's fingertips with smiley faces drawn on with biro.
 I thought it was adorable and wanted to use it to make some nail art

I used MUA - Lush Lilac as my base colour.
Then on my middle and ring finger I used O.P.I - Lady in black to draw on the smiley faces and arms.


Watch Inspired Mani

I was scrolling through my Instagram a few weeks ago and stumbled across a picture posted by lenailsdream. The picture was of 3 striped watches which caught my attention immediately, one sand, black and a mint green one.
So as you do I decided to create some nail art to match the watch.
(I swear I'm not normal when it comes to nail art)
I was going to do all three colours but chose the sand watch instead.
The watches are from imsmistyle.com you should definitely take a look at the website when you have time. There's some beautiful pieces of jewellery on there.
To create this manicure I used Color Club - Nomadic in nude as my base colour
I then used white nail tape which I purchased from EBay
To finish the nails off I applied two coats of NYC - Top coat


Blue Tie-dye

Another tie-dye manicure
I'm not one for having a plain colour on my nails often, unless its a colour I really adore!
Mixing colours up on my nails seems to be my thing at the moment, and what better way to have lots of colours than to merge them into a tie dye effect.
Here's what I used and how I did them:

First I applied two coats of Saffron's white polish to my nails and waited 15minutes for it to dry.
If you don't have this drying time you will pull off the white polish on the next step.
After the white is dry apply blobs of your three different coloured polishes over one nail at a time. In my case I used NYC - Blue Sky, MUA - Bold Blue & Jessica - King Tut's Gem.

Then grab a piece of your pre-cut up plastic wallet sheets and place over the blobs of polish and press on lightly.
Don't leave this on for too long, just a second or two so your tie-dye pattern is formed

What a mess!
Time to clean all that polish off. Using your acetone and nail art brush, clean up the remaining polish on your skin.

I love them
They're like a blue summers sky!
Now you've seen how simple this manicure is to create why don't you give it a go yourself with your own favourite colours or try giving it a go with the colours I've used


Pink Caviar Manicure

This is the first time I have ever tried using caviar.
I actually really like the effect it gives the nails, but cant imagine it would last very long as a nail treatment. I would assume that the little balls would come away from the nail after a day or two.
I used MUA - Bright Pink for my main 8 nails
And I bought some caviar nail balls from EBay
Under the caviar balls I applied MUA - Lush Lilac
I know that this type of manicure has been used a lot previously, but I personally wanted to try it out on my own nails.

It's super easy to do:
  1. Base coat all 10 nails. By the time you have finished polishing your 10th nail you will be able to start back on the 1st.
  2. Polish one coat of MUA - Bright Pink over all 8 nails. Personally I like to start on my right hand first, I think it's just a habit I got in to and cant seem to break. Don't forget to leave your ring finger bare for a minute.
  3. Apply one coat of MUA - Lush Lilac on your two accent nails
  4. Now you can start with your second coat of polish over all 8 nails again.
  5. Next you need to polish your two accent nails again I'd do these separately just in case the polish dries before you have time to do the second nail.
  6. After you have polished one accent nail, dip your nail in the caviar pot . Using a nail art brush, move any little balls that have strayed and are in your cuticle area. Repeat on your other accent nail.
  7. Last of all you want to clean up any messy polish that's on your skin or around your cuticle with your nail art brush dipped in acetone. Don't forget to apply a top coat to all your pink nails - the caviar nails don't need it